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Varied Not Random - Clean 1RM

Last checked a year ago
Varied Not Random - Clean 1RM

-pair The BTWB Varied Not Random Clean 1RM Pair from Rogue Fitness is a must-have piece of strength training equipment for any athlete or gym goer. Made with highly durable materials, the pair features one end with 2” Olympic sleeves, while the other has a pin and a collar. This makes it ideal for varied exercises or any workout requiring a 1RM (one rep maximum). With the collar, users can easily and safely make weight adjustments on the fly, and the sleeve end allows for the addition of an Olympic plate for additional weight. The weight rating for the pair is 750 pounds, and the overall construction offers superior stability and support during rigorous routines. Available in a sleek black finish, the Varied Not Random Clean 1RM Pair from Rogue Fitness is crafted to help users reach their fitness goals.


Pros & Cons


• Increases performance and power output

• Improves form, technique and concentric speed

• Provides an environment to push personal boundaries

• Increases strength without having to test or compete

• Good for sports conditioning

• Can be used as a power tester

• Tracks your progress over time


• High cost

• Requires a spotter

• May not be feasible for home gym setup

• Training is regimented and can become boring

• Will need to be adjusted or changed as fitness level progresses

Who Should Buy

Who Should Buy:

• Anyone looking to improve their weightlifting technique

• Athletes who regularly use cleans and variant weightlifting movements

• People who want to track their lifts and progress

Who Shouldn't Buy:

• People who only use basic gym equipment

• Those who don’t care about improving their clean technique or 1RM

• Anyone who already knows their clean technique and 1RM


• Movements: Squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press

• Intent: Lifting to find your absolute 1RM.

• Loading: You should start off with a weight that you’re pretty sure you can lift, and then gradually increase the weight each subsequent set.

• Sets & Reps: Work up to a 1RM for each movement.

• Tempo: No specific tempo.

• Rest: Take adequate rest (2-5 minutes) between the sets.

Rogue Varied Not Random - Clean 1RMSimilar Product 1Similar Product 2Similar Product 3
Made in USAMade in USAMade in ChinaMade in USA
22MM Diameter28MM Diameter28MM Diameter20MM Diameter
166K PSI Tensile187K PSI Tensile187K PSI Tensile202K PSI Tensile
No Center KnurlCenter KnurlNo Center KnurlNo Knurl

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