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PRVN Pull-Up Program - 8 Week

Last checked 2 years ago
PRVN Pull-Up Program - 8 Week

The PRVN Pull-Up Program 8 Week is an intense full body program developed by personal trainers Rob Riches and Brad Schoenfeld to help athletes build strength, increase muscle size and develop muscular endurance. For those who lack basic upper body strength, the program is an effective way of building the foundation to be able to perform pull-ups with proper form. The program includes tailored workouts that focus on increasing strength, building muscle mass and improving muscular endurance. The program consists of eight weeks of pull-up exercises, organized into three bodyweight based workouts, as well as a conditioning workout and an additional 12-week nutrition and supplementation plan. Workouts are designed to gradually increase in intensity and difficulty, as progress is made. In addition to the workouts, the program also comes with tutorials, which provide useful information and instruction on stretching, form correction, and exercise variations. Overall, the PRVN Pull-Up Program 8 Week provides athletes with an effective and time-efficient way to build the foundation for a strong and healthy upper body. Its step-by-step instructions, tutorials and helpful tips ensure that athletes can take their pull-up skills to the next level. With the right commitment and dedication, the program can help athletes see meaningful gains as they work towards their fitness goals.


Pros & Cons


• Guides you through 8 weeks of progressive pull-up programming

• Teaches progressions for mastering pull-ups

• Includes nutrition and lifestyle advice to ensure progress

• Includes both live, online links and supplementary documents

• Accessible to athletes at various levels of fitness

• Flexible schedule and program can be tailored to individual needs


• Without gym equipment, the program may be difficult or impossible to complete

• Results are not guaranteed

• Requires commitment and dedication to get maximum results

• Program may be intimidating to beginners

• Requires access to a computer or other electronic device to access the program materials

Who Should Buy

Should Buy:

• Want to increase pull-up strength and technique

• Can commit to 8 weeks of programming

• Dedicated to improving fitness

Should Not Buy:

• Low income

• Cannot commit to 8 weeks of programming

• Lack of desire to improve fitness


• 8-week program tailored for all strength levels

• Includes two full-body workouts per week

• Progressive intensity from week to week

• Variety of pull-up variations to enhance performance

• Access to instructional videos to learn proper form

• Workouts incorporate core and accessory exercises to improve performance

• Access to online community for support and advice

• Encouragement to track progress with PRVN Pull-Up Tracker

Rogue PRVN Pull-Up Program - 8 WeekSimilar Product 1Similar Product 2Similar Product 3
8 Week Program6 - 8 Week10 Week Plan12 Week Program
Progressions for Beginner, Intermediate & AdvancedBeginnerBeginner-AdvancedBeginner-Intermediate
Video TutorialsYesYesYes
Submission TrackingNoNoNo
Access To Warm Up & Supplemental RoutineYesYesYes

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